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Previous issues of The .NET Weekly
CQRS Validation with MediatR Pipeline and FluentValidation
September 30, 2023
Validation is an essential cross-cutting concern that you need to solve in your application. You want to ensure the request is valid before you consid...
Monolith to Microservices: How a Modular Monolith Helps
September 23, 2023
You start building a beautiful monolith system. Maybe a modular monolith. The system grows, and requirements are ever-changing. Slowly, cracks begin t...
Feature Flags in .NET and How I Use Them for A/B Testing
September 16, 2023
The ability to conditionally turn features on or off in your application without redeploying the code is a powerful tool. It lets you quickly iterate ...
Solving Race Conditions With EF Core Optimistic Locking
September 9, 2023
How often do you think about concurrency conflicts when writing code? You write the code for a new feature, confirm that it works, and call it a day. ...
Testcontainers - Integration Testing Using Docker In .NET
September 2, 2023
Modern software applications rarely work in isolation. On the contrary, a typical application will talk to several external systems like databases, me...
Advanced Rate Limiting Use Cases In .NET
August 19, 2023
Rate limiting is about restricting the number of requests to your application. It's usually applied within a specific time window or based on some oth...
Mastering Dapper Relationship Mappings
August 12, 2023
Dapper is a lightweight object-relational mapper in .NET. It's popular because it's easy to use and fast at the same time. Dapper extends the IDbConne...
Modular Monolith Communication Patterns
August 5, 2023
Modular monoliths are becoming more popular in the software engineering community. The allure of Microservices is becoming less compelling. We also ha...
Why Clean Architecture Is Great For Complex Projects
July 29, 2023
I've been using Clean Architecture for 6+ years on large scale applications serving thousands of customers and millions of requests. Today I want to t...
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