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Previous issues of The .NET Weekly
How To Use Rate Limiting In ASP.NET Core
April 8, 2023
Rate limiting is a technique to limit the number of requests to a server or an API. A limit is introduced within a given time period to prevent server...
Implementing The Saga Pattern With Rebus And RabbitMQ
April 1, 2023
Designing long-lived processes in a distributed environment is an interesting engineering challenge. And a well known pattern for solving this problem...
How To Publish MediatR Notifications In Parallel
March 25, 2023
MediatR is a popular library with a simple mediator pattern implementation in .NET. Here's a definiton taken from MediatR's GitHub: "In-process messag...
Creating Data-Driven Tests With xUnit
March 18, 2023
Data-driven testing is a testing method where test data is provided through some external source. Hence it's also known as parameterized testing. A po...
Using Multiple EF Core DbContexts In a Single Application
March 11, 2023
Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is a popular ORM in .NET that allows you to work with SQL databases. EF Core uses a DbContext, which represents a sess...
How To Apply Functional Programming In C#
March 4, 2023
Although C# is an object-oriented programming language, it received many new functional features in recent versions. To mention just a few of these fe...
Outbox Pattern For Reliable Microservices Messaging
February 25, 2023
Working with Microservices, or any distributed system for that matter, is difficult. In a distributed system many things can go wrong, and there are e...
Structured Logging In ASP.NET Core With Serilog
February 18, 2023
Structured logging is a practice where you apply the same message format to all of your application logs. The end result is that all your logs will ha...
Messaging Made Easy With Azure Service Bus
February 11, 2023
If you're working in a distributed system, you need to be able to communicate between multiple services. There are a few ways that you can implement t...
Working With Transactions In EF Core
February 4, 2023
Every software engineer working with SQL databases needs to know about transactions. And since most of the time the SQL database will be abstracted by...
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